William Apjohn of Sunglen conveyed the land he had acquired in 1714 from George King to his first son, Michael: he conveyed "Gurteenline and Carrigcollume" and all other lands except Knocknecrohy and Spittle with the condition that his wife, Deborah, could continue to live at Gurteenline in case that she survive him and with the condition that Michael assume 1,000 pounds of debt for the property. To his second son William he bequeathed Knocknecrohy and Spittle.
No 59746 (Apjohn to Apjohn, Apr 26 1734) To the register appointed by act of Parliament entitled an Act for the Public Registry of all Deeds, Conveyances and Wills which shall be made of any Hon Maim lands tenements or hereditaments in the Kingdom of Ireland---

A Memorial of a deed and instrument in writing bearing date the Twenty-First day of April Seventeen Hundred and Thirty Four between William Apjohn of Sunglen in the County of Limerick Esq. of the one part and Michael Apjohn son and heir apparent of the said William of the same in the same county Gent. of the other part which agreement or writing recites that the said William was seized in Fee of Gurteenline & Carrigcollume and was also seized of the lands of[cannot read], Spittle,Knockinborohy, Raheeny, Reaskeating, Farrinsmiderny, Farrinornashaka with their subdominations Garrison, Fflandreagn, Knicker, Lissheen, Garronebegg part Garrymore, Ballynoneen, and Knockardanna by lease renewable for lives forever from George King Esq. which same lands lie in the Barony of Coonagh and said County of Limerick. The said William Apjohn in consideration of a Thousand Pounds with its interest from the date of said article which said Michael did agree to pay towards discharge of said William Apjohn's debts did by said writing agree to settle the said several lands and premises in manner following, viz. the lands of Gurteenline and Carrigcollume to the said Michael for life subject to Thirty Pounds and administrative jointure to Deborah Apjohn said William Apjohn's wife in case she survive him. As to all these did other lands to the [son?] of the said William for life remainder thereof except the lands of Knocknecrohy and Spittle to the said Michael for life remainder to his first and other sons remainder to William Apjohn Junr second son of said William Senr. for life remainder to his first and other sons remainder to William Senr right heirs and as to the land of Knocknecrohy and Spittle from and after the death of the said William Senr. remainder to William Junr. for life remainder to his first and other sons remainder to said Michael for life remainder to his first and other sons remainder to William Senr. right heirs in said writing are several powers given to said parties of settling jointures making leases and provision for younger children as thereby may appear and the same is witnessed by Terrence Magrath of Redmondstowne in the County of Tipperary Gentleman and Joseph Ruddy of Creagh in the County of Limerick [cannot read] and this memorial is witnessed by the said Terrence Magrath and by [cannot read] Marshall of Toomeline in the said County of Limerick Gentleman. Michael Apjohn. Present. Terrence Magrath. [cannot read] Marshall The above named Terrence Magrath maketh oath on the Holy [book?] that he saw the instrument or writing whereof the above is a Memorial sealed and perfected by the Parties thereunto [cannot read] He saw the above named Michael Apjohn sihn and seal the above Memorial and that the name Terrence Magrath subscribes as a witness to the said Instrument and Memorial is of this Deponent's proper hand writing and that the said deed and memorials were delivered to a William Parry Deputy Register on the 16th day of November 1736 at or near eleven a clock in the forenoon.