Willian Apjohn acquires Ballyvoneen from Hollow Swords Company.
To the Register appointed for registering Deeds Conveyances and Wills pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that behalf.
No 1109 A Memorial (Hollow Sword Blades to Apjohn, August 20, 1709) of deeds of lease and release bearing date respectively the Nineteenth and Twentieth days of August anno domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine between the Governor and Company for making Hollow Sword Blades in England of the one part and William Apjohn of Kilduff in the county of Limerick in the said Kingdom of Ireland Gentleman being of the Protestant Religion and the other witnesseth that the said Governor and Company in consideration of the sum of Ten Pounds to them paid by the said William Apjohn have granted bargained sold released and confirmed unto the said William Apjohn and his heirs all that and those their part of Ballyvoneen containing by estimation Thirteen acres be the same more or less Scituate lying and being in the Barony of Counagh and County of Limerick in the said Kingdom of Ireland and were late part of the estate of King James the second before his accession to the Crown of England to hold the said towns and lands tenements herediments and premises with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances unto the said William Apjohn his heirs and assignees forever, yielding and paying unto the said Governor and Company their successors and assignees the yearly rent or sum of Two pounds Eight shillings payable half yearly, viz. on the Feast of All Saints and the Feast of St. Phillip and Jacob, with a provision therein that if the said William Apjohn his heirs or assignees shall at any time hereafter pay or cause to be paid to the said Governor and Company their successors or assignees at the Exchange in the City of Cork the sum of Thirty pounds in money of the coin then current in Ireland or make a legal tender thereof at the said place first giving Six calendar months notice in writing under his or their hands of such payments or intent for payment before the time of payment thereof to the Governor for the time being of the said Corporation or to such other person or persons who shall at that time be empowered to receive the aforesaid rent of Two pounds Eight shillings per annum, that then and in such case the aforesaid rent of Two pounds Eight shillings per annum shall cease determine and be utterly void and shall hold the said premises discharged of the said Two pounds Eight shillings per annum and in no sort thereafter be liable thereunto, unto which said Deed of Lease and Release the said Governor and Company have caused their common seal to be affixed the Twentieth day of August aforesaid in the presence of John Cochran and Wm. Bayly both of the City of Dublin Gentlemen. William Apjohn. This memorial was signed and sealed by the above named William Apjohn in the presence of Richard Bourke and Wm. Bayly.