Edward Apjohn of Dromlara rented the lands of Gortnesky and part of Dromlara from William Apjohn of Kilduff. Witnesses to the memorial are Michael Apjohn, Sadler of Limerick, and Thomas Apjohn of Ballyvoneen. The memorial does not indicate the relationship between Edward and William; however, William was probably his uncle.
No 10425 A Memorial (Apjohn to Apjohn, Jul 27 1716) A Memorial to an Indented Deed of Lease bearing date the Twenty-Seventh day of July One Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixteen made between William Apjohn of Kilduffe in the County of Limerick, Gent. of the one part and Edward Apjohn of Dromlara in the said County Gent of the other part witnesseth that the said William Apjohn for & in consideration of the sum of Five [cannot read-probably shillings] Sterling [per acre?] to him in hand paid by the said Edward Apjohn Hath Demised and [cannot read] Given Granted Remised Released and Confirmed unto the said Edward Apjohn his Heirs and Assignees all That & Those the Town and Lands of Gortneskehy & part Dromlara situate in the Barony of Coonagh in the County of Limerick in as large & ample manner as they are mentioned in the Said Lease To Have & to hold the demised premises with the Appurtenances and the Reversion and Reversions Remaind & Remainded Rents Issues and Profits to the said Edward Apjohn His Heirs and Assignees from the Date of the said Deed of Lease for and during the Term of the natural lives of George King of Killpecan in the said County of Limerick Esquire & Margaret his wife & the life of Edmond Walsh late of Kilpeacan aforesaid and the life of the Con[cannot read] Lives of them at the Yearly Rent of Five Shillings Sterling per acre profitable Land Plantation Measure. The said Land shall contain together with Six Pences - Pound deb. Receivers Salary in Which Lease here is a clause or Covenant that the said William Apjohn his Heirs and Assignees shall from time to time and at all times thereafter renew the Said Lease by adding a new life in the room or stead of any of the said lives or any other Lives for which the premises shall be hereafter demised upon payment of a proportionable share of the Sum of Eleven Pounds Ten Shillings Sterling payable by the said William Apjohn to the said George King for every Renewal of his Lease of the Premises as by the said Lease amongst other Even therein Continue may appear and the same is witnessed by Michael Apjohn of the City of Limerick, Sadler, Thomas Apjohn of Ballyvoneen & Terrence Magrath of Garrydoolish both in the County of Limerick Gentlemen. -Edward Apjohn. Witnesses present-Terrence Mcgrath-Thomas Clancey-The above named Terrence Magrath maketh oath that since the Deed of Lease whereof the above is a memorial Signed Sealed and Delivered as a witness thereto is this Dep's proper hand writing. He further deposeth that he saw the above named Edward Apjohn Sign & Seal the Above Memorial and he further deposeth that he delivered the said Memorial to Wiliam Parry Dep Reg on the 31st day of January 14 1717 at Ten of the clock in the forenoon. - Terrence McGrath January 17 1717. William Parry Dep. Reg.