Michael Apjohn and his wife Margaret nee Widenham receive money from Margaret's father's estate.
No 6274 A Memorial (Apjohn to Widenham, Nov 12, 1714) of a deed of assignment bearing date the twelfth day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fourteen between Michael Apjohn of the city of Limerick Sadler and Margaret his wife of the one part and Daniel Widenham of Ballynamona in the County of Limerick of the other part, the said indenture or deed of assignment witnesseth that whereas John Widenham late of Castleroche in the County of Limerick Gentleman deceased did by his last will and testament bearing date the Fourteenth day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eight and duly perfected bequeaths unto Margaret alias Apjohn his eldest daughter the sum of One Hundred and Fifty pounds sterling as a legacy portion or child's share to paid her at the day of her marriage and the same to be as an encumbrance on his real estate until the time be paid and the interest thereof, and whereas the said Michael and Margaret his wife had occasion of the said One Hundred and Fifty pounds demanded the same from the said John Widenham Esquire which they could not pay at present and that whereas the said Daniel Widenham was pleased to pay the said One Hundred and Fifty pounds sterling to the Said Michael and Margaret his wife the receipt whereof they do thereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit the said Daniel Widenham his estate and administrators that in consideration thereof the said Daniel Widenham is to have the said legacy and Encumbrance of One Hundred and Fifty pounds sterling so bequeathed by the said John Widenham with the said indenture therefore witnesseth that they the said Michael Apjohn and Margaret his wife do for themselves their Executors and Administrators thereby assign alien sell confirm and convey over unto the said Daniel Widenham his Estate Administrators and assignees the said legacy and encumbrance of One Hundred and Fifty pounds and all benefit and advantage of interest or otherwise that may grow due by means of the said legacy and encumbrance of One Hundred and Fifty pounds to have and hold the said legacy and encumbrance of One Hundred and Fifty pounds to the benefit and advantage of the same by virtue of the said will and the said deed of assignment unto the said Daniel Widenham his Administrators and assignees without being any way accountable to the said Michael Apjohn and Margaret his wife for the same or any other person deriving under them or either of them. And the said Michael Apjohn and Margaret his wife do thereby further covenant grant and agree to and with the said Daniel Widenham his Administrators and assignees that he the said Daniel Widenham his Administrators and assignees is to have by the said deed of assignment full power and lawful authority to ask demand and receive the said legacy and encumbrance of One Hundred and Fifty pounds sterling and on payment thereof discharges and releases to make for the same and for non-payment to commence actions in the names of the said Michael Apjohn and Margaret his wife for the same and the said Michael and Margaret his wife of either of them will not do or act anything either by law or otherwise that may any way discharge the said John Widenham Estates or his Real Estate from the said legacy or encumbrance of One Hundred and Fifty pounds or the interest thereof and the said Michael and Margaret will do and perfect any other deed or writing whatsoever unto the said Daniel Widenham his Estates Administrators or assignees and assigns the said sum of One Hundred and Fifty pounds as legacy and encumbrance bequeathed unto the said Margaret by the said John Widenham's last will and testament as the said Daniel Widenham's council learned in the law shall reasonably advise or devise for the said Daniel Widenham's safety to secure the said legacy and encumbrance of One Hundred and Fifty pounds to the said Daniel Widenham his Administrators and assignees and the lawful interest thereof unto which said deed the said Michael Apjohn and Margaret his wife have caused their seals to be affixed the twelfth day of November [cannot read] in the presence of Joseph Maunsell, Brian O'Brien and Edward Nash. Daniel Widenham. Edward Hayes. Edward Nash. The above named Edward Nash came this day before me and made oath that he saw the above named Michael Apjohn and Margaret his wife duly seal and perfect the above mentioned deed unto the above named Daniel Widenham by signing their names and affixing their seals thereto and delivering the same unto the said Daniel Widenham as the act and deed, this Deputy further deposeth that the above writing is a true memorial of the said deed and that he likewise saw the said Daniel Widenham sign and seal the above memorial, this Deputy further deposeth that the name Edward Nash subscribed as witness to the said deed and the above Memorial is all this Deputy's own proper handwriting and that the said Memorial was delivered to M. Bryen Worthington Deputy Registrar on the 13th day of May 1715 at five o'clock in the afternoon.