A marriage settlement was signed between Thomas Lloyd, the uncle of Elizabeth, and William Apjohn of Knicker (William's father) and Michael Apjohn (William's brother) for 400 pounds and "the towns and lands of Spittle, Knochnacrohy, Knockanacoolnagrean containing one hundred eighty-eight acres twenty-seven perches plantation measure situate in Barony of Coonagh." A witness to the memorial was William Smithwick.
No 99372 (Apjohn to Lloyd, April 16, 1743) To the register Appointed by Act of Parliament for the Registering of all Deeds Conveyances and so forth

A Memorial of an indented article of intermarriage duly executed bearing date the Sixteenth day of April, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Three and made by and between William Apjohn of Knicker in the County of Limerick Esquire, Michael Apjohn Gentleman first son of the said William, and William the younger Gentleman second son of the said William the Elder of the one part, Thomas Lloyd of Kildromin in the County of Limerick Gentleman in behalf of himself and Elizabeth Lloyd his sister of the other part touching a marriage to be had and solemnized between the said William Apjohn the younger and the said Elizabeth Lloyd in consideration of which marriage and of four hundred pounds sterling the marriage portion of the said Elizabeth the said William Apjohn the Elder and William the Younger did to them and their respective heirs covenant and grant to and with the said Thomas Lloyd and his heirs that they the said William the Elder and William the Younger should on or before the first day of December then next ensuing by such deed or conveyances by the said Thomas Lloyd his heirs and assignees his or their Council should be advised or required convey and make all their and every of their estate Right Title and Interest in or to the towns and lands of Spittle, Knochnacrohy, Knockanacoolnagrean containing one hundred eighty-eight acres twenty-seven perches plantation measure situate in Barony of Coonagh and County of Limerick in as large and ample manner as the same [???] other lands were held by the same William Apjohn the Elder or William the Younger or either of them under lease thereof made by George King of Kilpeacan Esquire deceased to the said William the Elder for three lives with a covenant of renewal forever at and under a proportionable part of the rents and reservations in said lease unto the said Thomas Lloyd his heirs and assignees to the uses and subject to the trusts in said article of intermarriage mentioned and particularly to the use of William the Younger for and during his natural life and to the further intent and purpose if said Elizabeth in case she shall survive the said William the Younger and have by him living at the time of his death shall have a receive one annuity or yearly rent charge forty pounds during her life but in case the said William the Younger shall die without issue by the said Elizabeth and the said Elizabeth shall survive him that then the said Elizabeth shall have one annuity or yearly rent charge of fifty pounds from and after the decease of the said William the Younger the remainder of said lands and premises subject to the respective said annuities or yearly rent charges unto the use and behoof of the first and other sons of the said William the Younger successively in [???] male with a power to the said William the Younger by any writing under his hand and seal duly attested to charge the said lands with the sum of two hundred pounds sterling and the interest thereof for portions and maintenances for the younger children of the said Elizabeth in such share and proportions as he shall think fit and with a power to the said William the Younger and every other person who shall be [???] of the said premises by virtue of any of the limitations aforesaid to make leases thereof or of any part thereof from time to time at the best improved rent that can be had for the same so as such leases shall be made profession and not in reversion in which said article is contained several other clauses and limitations and is witnessed by William Smithwick of Kilduff in said County of Limerick Gentleman and John Ryan of Pallice in the said County Farmer and this memorial is witnessed by the said John Ryan and by John Clancey of Ballykeeven in the County Tipperary Gentleman. William Apjohn, his seal. Signed sealed and duly executed in presence of us-John Ryan, John Clancey. The above named John Ryan maketh oath that he was present and did see the article of intermarriage of which the above is a memorial signed sealed and duly executed by the above named William Apjohn and Thomas Lloyd parties thereunto respectively and saw the above named William Apjohn the Younger sign and duly execute the above memorial and that the name John Ryan subscribes as a witness to said articles and this memorial is the Deputy's proper signature and hand-writing. John Ryan. Sworn before men the 5th day of April 1751 at St. Francis Abbey near Limerick on my circuit.