William Apjohn Sadler of the City of Limerick rented (lease and release) the the lands of Raheen (23 acres) from William Apjohn of Pallas. The latter is probably William Apjohn Jr., of Sunglen, the son of William of Kilduff. Witnessing the memorial are James Apjohn merchant of Dublin and Robert Apjohn of Treanamanagh.
No 110367 (Apjohn to Apjohn, December 27-28, 1752) To the register Appointed by Act of Parliament for the Registering Deeds Conveyances and so forth A Memorial of deeds of lease and re-lease on paper by way of mortgage bearing dates respectively the Twenty-Seventh and Twenty-Eighth of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Two both made by William Apjohn of Pallace in the County of Limerick Gentleman of the one part and William Apjohn of the City of Limerick Sadler of the other part the lease reciting that Margaret King of Kilpeacon in the County of Limerick widow and relict of George King of Kilpeacon Esquire and deceased did by indenture of lease of the Fourteenth day of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty [???] demise and grant unto the said William Apjohn of Pallice his heirs administrators and assignees by the name of William Apjohn of Sunglen in the said County Gentleman the lands of Raheeny containing twenty three acres [???] and thirty perches situate and being in the Barony of Coonagh and County of Limerick for the lives of the said William Apjohn party to said indenture Lucius O'Brien second son of John O'Brien of Dromlara and Peter Smithwick first son of Peter Smithwick of Kilduff in the County of Limerick Gentlemen and the survivor of them at the yearly rent of sixteen pounds eight shillings and six pence sterling with six pence for each pound as receiver's fees in [???] lease there is imported a covenant of removal forever on paying as a renewal fine eight pound four shillings and three pence for each life to be imposed in any new lease or renewal to be made of said premises whereby the said William Apjohn of Pallice did grant and release unto the said William Apjohn of Limerick all that and those the lands of Raheeny aforesaid to [???] unto the said William Apjohn of Limerick his heirs and assignees forever and which deed of release is subject to be void on payment of fifty pounds sterling and interest according to a provision therein contained and which deeds of lease and release are witnessed by James Apjohn of the City of Dublin Gentleman and Robert Apjohn of Tirriana in the County of Limerick Gentleman and this memorial is witnessed by the said James Apjohn and Paul Sullivan of the City of Limerick, Merchants, William Apjohn, his seal. Signed and sealed in the presence of James Apjohn, Paul Sullivan, the above named James Apjohn maketh oath that he saw the above names William Apjohn and William Apjohn of the City of Limerick duly seal and [???] the above memorial deeds of lease and [???] whereof the above writing is a memorial and also saw the said William Apjohn of the City of Limerick duly sign and seal the said memorial and that thus Deputy? Is a subscribing witness to the said deed and memorial and delivered the same to James Samson Deputy Registrar the 10th day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Three at or near six of the clock in the afternoon. James Apjohn, sworn before me the 10th day of November 1753. James Saunders.