William Apjohn of Middle Temple leased the lands of Knocknacroghy to Joshua Minnitt of Annaseig for a term of "three lives" for a yearly rent of 500 pounds.
No 207115 To the Register appointed by Act of Parliament for registering of all deeds conveyances and so forth

A Memorial (Apjohn to Minnitt, January 26, 1775) of articles of agreement made the Twenty Sixth day of January One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five made between William Apjohn of the Middle Temple Esquire and Joshua Minnitt of Annasieg in the County of Tipperary and Kingdom of Ireland Esquire whereby the said William Apjohn did agree to perfect a lease unto the said Joshua Minnitt his heirs executors administrators and assignees of all that piece of ground known by the name of Knocknacroghy situate in the Barony of Coonagh in the County of Limerick Kingdom of Ireland then in the possession of the said Joshua Minnitt for the term of three lives in which is to be contained a covenant for perpetual renewal on payment of a [???] [???] fine at the yearly rent of five hundred pounds sterling which said article is witnessed by Richard Powel of Novascotia of the Kingdom of Ireland Esquire and George Powel of Middle Temple Esquire and this memorial is witnessed by the said Richard Powel and James Carden of the City of Dublin Gentleman. Joshua Minnitt, his seal. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Richard Powel and James Carden. The above named Richard Powell maketh oath that he is a subscribing witness to the article whereof the above writing is a memorial and that he saw the same duly executed by the parties thereto and that he also saw the above memorial duly signed by the above named Joshua Minnitt and saith that the name Richard Powel subscribed as a witness to the said articles and the above memorial is this Deponent's name and handwriting . Richar Powel. Sworn before me at Nenagh in the County of Tipperary the first day of February 1776 Etc.