Michael Apjohn of Linfield drew up a marriage settlement with Laurence Marshall concerning his daughter Margaret Marshall with whom Michael was soon to be wed. The jointure agreed upon was 80 pounds per year should Margaret survive Michael and he put up Gortalyne and Corrigcollum as collateral.
No 80017 (Apjohn to Marshall, June 19, 1736) To the register Appointed by Act of Parliament for the public Registering of Deeds and so forth A Memorial of articles of agreement duly executed and bearing date the Nineteenth day of June, One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty and Six and made or mentioned to be made between Michael Apjohn of Linfield in the County of Limerick Gentleman of the one part and Laurence Marshall of Tomolyn in said County Esquire of the other part reciting that whereas a marriage by God's permission was soon intended to be had and solemnized between the said Michael Apjohn and Margret Marshall eldest daughter of the said Laurence Marshall and also reciting that the said Michael Apjohn then stood seized in fee of the lands of Gurtcenollan and Carrigcullum by virtue of an agreement between him the said Michael Apjohn and William Apjohn Esquire said Michael's father by which agreement said William Apjohn agreed to settle in reversion on the said Michael Apjohn the several lands in said article mentioned and set forth and of which the said William then seized by virtue of a lease for three lives renewable forever by which said first mentioned agreement it was thereby further agreed for the considerations therein mentioned that a legal settlement of marriage should be drawn in due form whereby the lands and premises in said article mentioned should be settled and conveyed to Trustees to the uses therein mentioned subject to the payment of eighty pounds per annum to the said Margaret Marshall the then intended wife of Michael Apjohn by way of jointure in case she should survive him and subject to the several other limitations and remainders in said first article set forth in which first article there is covenant that the said Michael Apjohn should have a power to make leases of all or any part of said lands and premises for any [???] exceeding twenty one years in [???] and not in reversion without fine or encumbrance and other usual covenants and the same is witnessed by Rev. Richard Burgh of Dromkeen in said County [???] and Symon Marshall of the town of Galway Gentleman and this memorial is witnessed by the said Richard Burgh and Jeremiah Dwyer of Tomolyne aforesaid Gentlemen. La. Marshall, his seal. Being present when the above memorial was duly signed and sealed. Ric. Burgh. Jer. Dwyer. The above named Richard Burgh maketh that he was present and did see the articles of agreement of which the above is a memorial duly perfected by the parties thereto respectively and that he likewise saw the above named Laurence Marshall duly sigh and seal the above memorial and that the name Richard Burgh subscribed as witness to said articles and memorial is the Deputy's proper signature and hand-writing. Ric. Burgh. Sworn before me this 25th day of August 1744 on my [???].