Willian Apjohn acquires a large amount of land from George King of Kilpeacan. At the time, William was living with his brother at Gortalyne (Linfield) quite nearby.
To Benjamin Parry Esquire Regulator appointed by an Act of Parliament entitled An Act for the Public Registry of All Deeds, Conveyances and Wills that shall be made of any Honors Mannors Lanes or Tenements in the Kingdom of Ireland

No 5176 A Memorial (King to Apjohn, May 22 1714) of an indented deed of lease bearing date the two and twenty day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fourteen made between George King of Kilpeacan in the County of Limerick Esquire of the one part and William Apjohn of Kilduff in the said County of Limerick Gentleman of the other part which indenture witnesses that the said George King hath demised and Settled given granted and confirmed unto the said William Apjohn the several towns villages and hamlets following, that is to say, the town and lands of Spittle, Croghtashantare Croghtanaten, Croghtanahecracy, Garrynashillagh, Garryboy, Garrynamuaboghty, Garrigknockana, Parrintample and the Garden Bounding to both Croughtanattere and Park Croughtamere, Garrinsheedy, Gortagclashganny and Croughtacorny now in lease to Phillip White to expire in eight years from May next at the rent of six shillings and two pence sterling acre per annum, the lands of Farrinaaonnashacky, Farrinjunisherny and part Moenmanagh let to Oliver Keating at the rent of nine shillings per acre per annum for eight years to determine as above, the lands of Rease, Knockardanagh, Cappaghaly, Illancreagh and Garrison Acrereagh Acerkeale, the Castle of Knicker and the lands thereunto belonging now in the said William Apjohns possession at the rent of six shillings per acre sterling per annum, the lands of Gortnaskehy part Dromlara in lease to Edward Croker at the rent of fifty pounds ten shillings per annum to determine as above, the lands of Garranebegg let to James Clanchy at five shillings per acre per annum to determine as above, Purtanaderry part Lisheen Tobburbrickane Monemdane Mongarriffe and Garrynaskarty in lease to the said Oliver Keating now at the rent of thirty five pounds per annum to determine as above, part of the town and lands of Garrymore and Towncunc in possession of James Chanchy and Peter Smithwick at the yearly rent of thirty six pounds to determine as above, the town and land of Knocknacroghy [???] [???] {???] Knockancurgreane Bahurnosnorcery Gorteaggle Acreaigoalin and Gortuarrea now in the leases possession at five shillings per acre per annum, the lands of Ballyvoneene also in the lease possession at the rent of six shillings per acre per annum for eight years to determine as supra together with reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents leases and profits of all and singular the premises, ??? which said lands and premises are situate in the Barony of Counagh [cannot read] and Ballynecloughy and in the said county of Limerick to have and to hold the same with their rights members and appurtenances unto the said William Apjohn his heirs and assignees from the date hereof during the natural life or lives of the said George King and Margrett his wife and the lives of Edmond Walsh of late of Kilpeacan aforesaid Gentleman and the life of the longest liver of them. The said William Apjohn paying thereout during the respective forms herein before mentioned to be made to the several Tenants herein before named the several and respective rents of such tenants referred, and after the expiration of such terms paying thereout unto the said George King his heirs and assignees the rent of five shillings sterling per annum during the residue of the said lease over and above taxes together with the six pence per pound as receivers salary and one [fact?] in the year or ten shillings in lieu thereof at the said George King's election pay are Moytively [moiety?] and half yearly, that is to say, on the Twenty Ninth day of September and Twenty Fifth day of March, in which lease there is a clause of renewal forever paying the sum of eleven pounds ten shillings sterling for every renewal within said Calendar months next after the death of every life that there be renewed and a Clause of distress and ??? for ??? payment of rent and several other ??? clauses the said lease is witnessed by Richard Dornery of ??? in the Liberties of Limerick Esquire, John Stantor Junr of Kilpeacan Gentleman and Thomas Heaye of Kilduff Gentleman in the County of Limerick. William Apjohn being present [when] the vows Bohirinslicueeny Porteirggil ??? and Gortieurrea were interlined before perfection. Terrence McGrath. Jne Heayes. The above named Thomas ??? came this day before me and made oath that the said deed of lease (whereof the above is a Memorial) signed sealed and perfected by the Partys thereto and that the name Thomas Heas subscribed as a witness to the said lease is this Deputy's proper hand-writing and further deposeth that he saw the above named William Apjohn sign and seal the above Memorial and saw the same Memorial delivered to Bruin Northington Deputy Registrar at his office on Corkghill in Dublin on Thursday the third day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fourteen at four of the clock in the afternoon of the said day. Thomas Heayes Junr came third day Jun anno domino 1714.