Michael Apjohn of Linfield and Michael Marshall Apjohn of Linfield (only son and apparent heir) leased to Ambrose Lane of the City of Dublin the lands of Gortalyne and Corrigcollum. In addition, the memorial references a previous agreement between Michael Apjohn and Richard Lloyd dated Sep 17, 1766, regarding the lands of Gortalyne and Corrigcollum.
No 184546 To the Register appointed by Act of Parliament for registering of all deeds conveyances and so forthA Memorial (Apjohn to Lane, April 2, 1770) of a indented deeds of release bearing date respective the second and third days of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy of an endorsement bearing date therewith the said release and between Michael Apjohn of Lynford in the County of Limerick Esquire and Michael Marshall Apjohn of Lynford in the County of Limerick Esquire, Michael Marshall Apjohn only son and heir apparent of the said Michael Apjohn of the first part and Ambrose Lane of the City of Dublin Gentleman of the second part and John Green of the same city of Dublin Gentleman of the third part by which said deed of release the said Michael Apjohn and Michael Marshall Apjohn for the consideration therein mentioned granted and released to the said Ambrose Lane the towns and lands of Gurtcenaliene and Carrickcullum with the appurtenances situate lying and being in the County of Limerick to the end that that the said Ambrose Lane may by virtue thereof possess the statulare (?) tenant to the freehold of said lands of Gurtcenaliene and Carrickcullum the purpose of suffering a good sufficient common recovery thereof and the said Michael Apjohn and Michael Marshall Apjohn did thereby covenant with the said Ambrose Lane that they would before the end of Trinity Term then next levy one or more fine or fines sur concess (?) of the towns and lands of Farranumnashacky Farrinsmitherny part of Maneananagh Reashenockardanagh Cappahully Illanercagh and Garrison Acreagh Aercheale the castle of Garrymore Townbane and Ballyvornane in the County of Limerick and it is thereby declared and agreed immediately from and after suffering the said recovery and living the [???] recoverer and recoveree of the said recovery and the bonuses in the said fine [???] should stand and be seized of the said lands and premises to the use of the said Michael Apjohn for life remainder to the use of Rickard Lloyd of D????ally in the County of Limerick Esquire for the term of two hundred years for the purpose mentioned in a deed dated seventeenth day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six made between the said Michael Apjohn and Michael Marshall Apjohn and Rickard Lloyd [???] as to the lands of Gurtcenaliene and Carrickcullum to the said Michael Marshall Apjohn in for and as to all the said other ditto to the use of said Michael Marshall Apjohn for all the term for lives and renewable thereof whichever which were granted to the said Michael Apjohn or shall hereafter be granted to the said Michael Apjohn or Michael Marshall Apjohn by or due of the tenant for renewal of any of said deed of lease under which the said Michael Apjohn may decease and set all or any of the said lands and premises for any term not exceeding twenty one years under the restrechutions (?)therein mentioned and that the said Michael Apjohn may by deed attested by two or more [???] witnesses charge the said lands and premises with any yearly rent charge not exceeding fifty pounds for a jointure for any wife he should thereafter marry [???] that the said Michael Apjohn should be at liberty to charge the lands of Gurtcenaliene and Carrickcullumany such not exceeding the term of six hundred pounds which the said Michael Apjohn should at any time thereafter have occasion for to be laid out in a purchase which is said deed of release was duly executed by the said Michael Apjohn and Michael Marshall Apjohn and Ambrose Lane and the said endorsement was duly executed by the said Michael Apjohn and Michael Marshall Apjohn and the execution of the said deed of release by the said Michael Apjohn and of the said endorsement and by the said Michael Apjohn and Michael Marshall Apjohn are witnessed by Thomas Lloyd of the City of Dublin Esquire [???] at law and William Gabbett of the City of Limerick Esquire in witness whereof the said Michael Marshall Apjohn hath to this memorial put his hand and seal the twenty seventh day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy in the presence of the said Thomas Lloyd and George Lloyd of the City of Limerick Esquire witnessed thereunto subscribing. Michael Apjohn, his seal. Present: Thomas Lloyd and George Lloyd. The above named Thomas Lloyd maketh oath that he is witness to the said deed of release and endorsement whereof the above writing is a memorial and to the above memorial he saw Michael Apjohn [???] the said deed named duly executed the said deed and that the said Michael Apjohn and Michael Marshall Apjohn duly execute the said endorsement and that he saw the said Michael Marshall Apjohn duly execute the above memorial and that the name Thomas Lloyd subscribed as witness to the said deed of release endorsement and memorial is this Deponent's proper name and handwriting. Thomas Lloyd sworn before me at the City of Limerick the 27th day of November 1770 etc.