Mary Ryan

F, b. 1862, d. 1904
     Mary Ryan was born in 1862 in Knockeen in the Parish of Murroe and Boher, County Limerick. She married Thomas Fahy, son of Martin Fahy and Mary O'Dea, on February 12, 1887 in Boherroe in the Parish of Aglishcormick, County Limerick. Thomas O'Dea and Bridget Ryan were witnesses at the wedding. Mary Ryan died in 1904 in Ballybricken and Bohermore Parish, Tureen, County Limerick.

Children of Mary Ryan and Thomas Fahy

ChartsPater Familias O'Dea Descendant Chart (Indented)
Thomas (Michael) O'Dea Descendant Chart (Indented)
Last Edited10 Mar 2014