George Gannon1

M, b. September 26, 1913
Father*John William Gannon1 b. April, 1874, d. September 7, 1915
Mother*Barbara Kotzer1
     George Gannon was born on September 26, 1913 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.1 He was the son of John William Gannon and Barbara Kotzer.1
ChartsPater Familias O'Dea Descendant Chart (Indented)
Thomas (Darby) O'Dea Descendant Chart (Indented)
Last Edited26 Jan 2021


  1. [S88] Illinois, Cook County Birth Certificates, 1878-1922, online, : 18 May 2016), George Gannon, 26 Sep 1913; Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States, reference/certificate 6616, Cook County Clerk, Cook County Courthouse, Chicago; FHL microfilm 1,288,294.