Thomas Apjohn

M, b. 1768, d. 16 December 1846
FatherMichael Apjohn b. c 1732, d. 1796
Mother_____ _____
ChartsThomas Apjohn (descendant indented)
Thomas Apjohn (descendant box)
Last Edited24 May 2013
     Thomas Apjohn was born in 1768 in Coonagh, County Limerick.1 He was the son of Michael Apjohn and _____ _____. Thomas Apjohn married Anne Beahan on 12 May 1792 in Adare, County Limerick; The Index indicates that Thomas was from "Longfield"--this is probably a mis-reading for Linfield.2 Thomas Apjohn died on 16 December 1846 in Old Pallas, Coonagh, County Limerick; The death notice indicates that Thomas was 78.1 He was buried in Old Pallas, Coonagh, County Limerick; "In the Midst of Life we are in death, Here lies dead and gone Mr Thomas Apjohn with Anne his dear wife and solace throughout his life. May a merciful saviour look on them with favour and blot out their sin forever and ever."3
     "In Tipperary [sic]an inn was built by the [Erasmus Smith] Trust at Pallasgrean in 1802 and let, with 20 acres, to Thomas Apjohn at a rent of £50 per year. Some years later a new road to Limerick was built which by-passed Pallasgrean but the Apjohn family was to continue as tenants of the Trust for many years."4 In 1832, Thomas is listed as living in Pallasgreane (Old Pallas) with land holdings in Sunglen and Gurtnaskey, Parish of Greane.5 Thomas Apjohn was a freeholder of land in Sunglen and Gurtnaskay in 1832.6 In 1834, Thomas is listed in the Tithe Applotment Books for Dromlara, Grean, as holding 46 acres next to his son-in-law, Thomas Kearney who has a holding of 80 acres. Together, this 126 acres comprised Sunville. In addition, he is listed as holding 75 acres in Pallas (probably Pallashill) and 37 acres in Sunglen.7


Anne Beahan b. c 1771, d. 15 Nov 1843


  1. [S9] Unknown article title, The Limerick Chronicle, Limerick, Dec 16 1846. Hereinafter cited as The Limerick Chronicle.
  2. [S11] Henry Ferrar, Irish Marriages being an Index to the Marriages 1771 to 1812 (London: Phillimore & Co., 1807), vol. I, p. 10.
  3. [S15] Historic Graves: Thomas and Anne Apjohn, online. <
  4. [S12] W. J. R. Wallace, Faithful to Our Trust: A History of the Erasmus Smith Trust and The High School, Dublin (Dublin: Columbia Press, 2004), p. 80.
  5. [S13] A list of land holders in the Limerick Chronicle in September and October 1832, online. <
  6. [S41] Liist of land holders in the Limerick Chronicle in September and October 1832, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Liist of land holders in the Limerick Chronicle in September and October 1832.
  7. [S14] Tithe Applotment Books, 1823-37, The National Archives of Ireland, online <>,…