Michael Apjohn Esquire

M, b. circa 1792, d. 1872
FatherThomas Apjohn b. 1768, d. 16 Dec 1846
MotherAnne Beahan b. c 1771, d. 15 Nov 1843
ChartsThomas Apjohn (descendant indented)
Thomas Apjohn (descendant box)
Last Edited9 Feb 2015
     Michael Apjohn Esquire was born circa 1792.1 He was the son of Thomas Apjohn and Anne Beahan. Michael Apjohn Esquire married Mary Anne Ryan on 26 February 1838.2 Michael Apjohn Esquire died in 1872.
     Michael Apjohn was a lease holder of land in Drumlara in 1832.3


Mary Anne Ryan


  1. [S19] MM3Z-888, online FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/S5GJ-WCT), downloaded 2013-05-03.
  2. [S4] Public Record Office of Ireland, compiler, Index to Marriage License Bonds, Diocese of Cashel and Emly (National Archives of Ireland, Dublin: Public Record Office of Ireland.)
  3. [S41] Liist of land holders in the Limerick Chronicle in September and October 1832, online <http://members.iinet.net.au/~nickred/lists/>, http://members.iinet.net.au/~nickred/lists/freelist1.htm. Hereinafter cited as Liist of land holders in the Limerick Chronicle in September and October 1832.