Michael (Old Blackbird) O'Dea

M, b. May 10, 1848
Father*John O'Dea b. 1818, d. December 23, 1866
Mother*Catherine Hayes b. August 24, 1820, d. August 10, 1878
     Michael (Old Blackbird) O'Dea was born on May 10, 1848 in Boherroe in the Parish of Aglishcormick, County Limerick. Godparents were Michael Dea, Catherine Hayes and Johanna Hayes. He was the son of John O'Dea and Catherine Hayes. Michael (Old Blackbird) O'Dea married Bridget Lundon on February 13, 1872 in Wonderhill, Knockanofase, County Limerick. Michael Lynch and Johanna Barry were witnesses at the wedding.

Children of Michael (Old Blackbird) O'Dea and Bridget Lundon

ChartsPater Familias O'Dea Descendant Chart (Indented)
Thomas (Michael) O'Dea Descendant Chart (Indented)
Last Edited7 Mar 2014